Contractor Orientation Platform

Welcome to The National Gas Company's Online

Contractor Orientation Platform

About the Portal

At NGC, our policy is to be the “safest place to work”. Part of doing so, is ensuring everyone is aware of the safety requirements critical to the jobs being undertaken. A prerequisite to working at NGC is a valid PLEA Passport, a 7-point drug test and completion of NGC’s Contractor Orientation video.


After viewing the video, participants should be aware of NGC’s Ten Life-Saving Rules, the company’s Control of Work process, the contractor’s responsibilities, the proper use of PPE, and how and what to report among other critical topics. This orientation is only valid for one calendar year, which will ensure the contents of the orientation will remain fresh within the minds of the people we partner with.

Three Steps to Orientation

1. Register and Create Account

To access the Orientation Video and Quiz you must register and create an account.

2. View orientation video and complete quiz

Upon successful registration and account creation in step one, you can login to view the orientation videos and complete the quiz.

3. Acquire Certificate & Recertification Process

Upon successful completion of the quiz, please fill out the feedback survey, you will be awarded with a Certificate.

"At The National Gas Company our policy is to be the safest place to work."


Problems accessing our Orientation Portal?  

Send your feedback here.

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